Looking for the path towards a healthier you? It's not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet and stress relief plan all plays a big role.
Small changes done consistently over time add up to huge lifelong sustainable changes. You don't have to change everything at once. Start with just one.
If you make the right choice today, you can ward off problems tomorrow.
Health tips for women
- Always start your day by eating a breakfast. Develop a healthy eating habit and include more fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, and food rich in fiber, seeds, cereals in your diet.
- The more active you are, makes you better. Establish a exercise routine. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints.
- Fish oil is beneficial for the whole body - it nourish organs, help hormone balance and immune health.
- Never ignore your sleep. Try to have seven hours of sleep at night and have a fixed bed time, preferably at 10 am.
- Spend some time in nature and surround yourself with loving and supportive people. Get 15-25 minutes of morning sunlight and fresh air daily and walk in nature barefoot.
- Add humor to your life and do work that you are passionate about.
- Focus on plant-based diet. Eat fruits and leafy green vegetables.
- Get plenty of calcium to support your bone health.
- Boost your intake by eating enough iron such as spinach, almonds, red meat etc.
- Lower down your junk food intake as it can cause heart disease and stroke.
- Eat a garlic a day.
- Cut down on processed food, sugar, salt and saturated fat.
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