health and fitness

key areas of wellness include fitness and mind-body and healthy eating includes nutrition and weight loss

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


 My friends constantly ask me about advises on how to get in better shape and every time, my answer remains the same . . . . . .

As my ethics are clear :

  • Eat healthy 
  • Nutritious food
  • Working out ( if not working out at least move your body - walking, swimming, cycling or anything, to stay active )

But i don't know whether it's fear of failure or embarrassment or misunderstanding , i constantly hear I DON'T LIKE WORKING OUT as an excuse as to why people can't get in better shape..

I don't like going to work , that doesn't mean i should stop working.

There are many things in life which we don't like to do but oftentimes, these are the activities which provide us with the most benefits at all.

Those who don't like working out let me tell you the list of benefits of working out is undeniable :
  • You will burn more calories.
  • You will release more feel good hormones.
  • You will work out longer and harder.
  • You will get a burst of Vitamin D.
  • Improves blood pressure.
  • Boost your immune system.
  • Weight control.
  • Strengthens muscles.
  • Lift your mood.
  • Sharpens memory.
  • Improves eating habits.
  • Increases bones density.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Improve quality of life.
and many more . . . . .

So, you may not like workout but everyone should do it.

Always remember workout and exercises makes a person healthy. And being healthy is a dynamic process. It keeps on changing as we change our lifestyle, our eating habits, our thoughts etc. Each day we should work towards maximizing our level of health and wellness to lead long, full and healthy lives.

We should plan our day in a manner that balance both our physical and mental usage.

Workout doesn't mean you have to go to gym and lift that heavy dumbles  or doing any hard training, it means doing some simple exercises, yoga, walking, jogging, dancing etc.

CONCLUSION : The way towards healthy and active wellbeing is to focus on workout rather than just postponing it, We shouldn't create the conditions that lead to unhealthy and unfit lifestyle.

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